Best practice guide for police and court interpreting - Spain

APTIJ's (Asociación Profesional de Traductores e Intérpretes Judiciales y Jurados) Best practice guide for police and court interpreting is now available for you on the web. You can read it both in Spanish and English.

APTIJ is an association of interpreters and translators who help and assist the Judiciary in Spanish courts and of Sworn Translators and Interpreters appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Autonomous Regions with powers to do so.

Best practice guide
This Best practice guide for police and court interpreting, prepared by APTIJ, is designed as an aid not just for professional interpreters exercising their activity in the courts or with the police, but also for the legal agents and operators who work with them. Cross-disciplinary training, deontology, preparation of the job and a command of interpretation technique are some of the essential factors for ensuring effective communication mediated by an interpreter. It is available in Spanish and English.

Guide in English / Guide in Spanish. Get it here/.

English, here/.

Spanish, here/.


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